Contacts CARLOVE car rental in Prague
Our Car Rental office is located in the central part of Prague in the Hilton Hotel, easily reachable by foot or by public transport. The car can be delivered to the hotel or the airport, it is convenient and fast. We work daily from 8:55 to 18:05, including weekends and holidays. Our experts will be happy to help you choose a suitable car for a comfortable and safe trip to the Czech Republic or Europe, Car Rental Prague.
Company address
Carlove car rental Prague
Pobřežní 311/1
Rohanský ostrov
Hilton Hotel, easy to find, follow the instructions on this page.
Phone number: +420 608 131 151 WhatsApp / Viber / Telegram
Read more about hours of operation
Office opening hours: daily from 08:55 to 18:05 without breaks and weekends!
Carlove’s official social media pages
Car rental Prague — we speak English. Supporting customers before and after the trip 24/7. Ready to help at any time to provide the best car rental experience in Prague.
Feedback form
Company details
Glacies Eternelles s.r.o.
Sídlo: Švédská 1010/15, Praha 5 – Smíchov, 150 00
Provozovna: Pobřežní 311/1, 186 00 Praha 8, Rohanský ostro
IČO: 27990249, DIČ: CZ27990249, jsme plátci DPH zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl C, vložka 131809
Bank connection:
Banka: Raiffeisenbank
IBAN: CZ10 5500 0000 0028 0457 5001
Číslo účtu: 2804575001 /5500